Conference Communiqué

Centenary Hall

UK based old boys of MBHS Lagos hosted a one-day conference as part of a three (3) day event. The purpose of this conference was to bring to fore the challenges faced by Methodist Boys High School Lagos and how it can be brought into the 21st century as a citadel of learning and at the same time return the school to its glory days.

A representation of old boys from Lagos, particularly members of the 81set, the  principal Rev. (Capt. Rtd) Okunnoren all worked effortlessly with the UK chapter to ensure that this inaugural event was a success.

A team of seasoned and award winning super teachers and educational administrators across the UK were pooled to deliver papers on a range of topics and share experience as lessons learned to the delegates; four (4) members from the UK chapter were put together to summarise key points that the raised during the summit themed Education in the 21st century and Methodist Boys High School Lagos.

The resulting Communiqué - or declaration – will be passed unanimously by those in attendance and presented to executives and the general house during one of the monthly meetings of the UK chapter following which the communiqué will be published on the chapter’s website.

The extract below, focused on UBUNTU system leadership in practice and this was presented by Jackie Ranger. This paper raised fundamental questions on what we the old students of MBHS Lagos would want for our Alma matter and the under listed questions were then discussed by attendees

  • What is the purpose of education today in the Nigerian society with special focus on Methodist Boys’ High School Lagos?
  • What should the school be in the 21st century?
  • Beyond developing students’ literacy and numeracy, what do we ask of our schooling system and our educators?
  • In times of diminishing resources and capacity, how can we develop sustainable educational provision?
  • What is the role of the old students in navigating the school through the educational landscape in Lagos and Nigeria so as to make the school relevant in the 21str century and beyond?
  • How do you evaluate the effectiveness of our impact as old students?  

A fundamental question that was raised from this paper was “What would we as old students like to bring back to our great school?”

Also a proposal to deliver services to Methodist Boys High School Lagos was tabled by Jackie Ranger on behalf of RMC Consultants a UK based educational consultancy. This proposal outlines how RMC consultants believe in working, it also outlines the way RMC consultants respects their clients professionalism, understands their contexts, history, builds their capacity and realises their ambitions. whilst also adopting a culturally sensitive approach to all aspects of professional development and school improvement.

RMC Consultants also proposed the under listed services to Methodist Boys' High School, Lagos.

➢    Leadership and Management

  • Middle and senior leadership training and development
  • Development of a bespoke self-evaluative diagnostic tool
  • Training on completion of the diagnostic
  • Support in the development of a school improvement plan
  • CPD Training – addressing areas for improvement
  • Mentoring and Coaching
  • Appraising and Inspiring Staff
  • Student Leadership
  •  Leading, managing and organising summer challenges (summer schools) which raise achievement

➢    General Training and Development

  • Organising and delivering school In-service training days
  • School Self-Review: Enhancing Existing Practice for Middle Managers
  • Action Planning for School Improvement
  • Psychometric assessment of readiness for leadership
  • Releasing the genius of teachers: Engaging students and parents

➢    Inspirational Seminars

  • Redefining Educational Purpose for Nation Building
  • Leading for Equity and Social Justice
  • Going beyond Academia: Developing a Curriculum for Life
  • Moral Purpose and Ethics in Education
  • Spirituality & Authenticity
  • Ubuntu: I am because We Are and Other global humanist philosophies

Mrs. Bola Ojo LLB(Hons) LLM (Law) MSc, delivered a paper titled “Educational Development in Nigeria-Challenges and Solutions with a specific focus on MBHS”. In this paper, Mrs Ojo encouraged alumnus group like M.B.H.S OBA UK Chapter to have the “power to innovate”.

This paper took an in-depth look at the challenges of education in Nigeria and listed a hand full below

  • Collapsed /Poor infrastructure- physical
  • Outdated curriculum
  • Lack of resources-material and financial
  • Poor quality of teaching and learning

Mrs Ojo’s in her paper asked some salient questions i.e. what the role of M.B.H.S Lagos OBA UK Chapter is about “beyond the physical improvements and cash donations.....”

  • What should be its role and contribution?
  • Does the Old Boys association, have a role with regards to the vision and mission of the school?
  • If so, how should that function be articulated and fulfilled?

These questions are not only thought provoking, but would need the Methodist Mission in Nigeria, the wider old boys community and the schools’ board of governors to provide answers which would steer us old students and friends of M.B.H.S Lagos in the direction of achieving the answers to these questions.

As part of this paper, their was also an interactive session which required attendees to  

  • List the three best things the old boys liked about MBHS Lagos during their time in school
  • List the three things you disliked most, and
  • What would you like to see/brought back to the school


All three (3) facilitators at the seminar, made recommendations and proposed ideas on how to move things to the next level with regards to education at M.B.H.S Lagos.

In proposing new ideas, some asked what the purpose of the school is, and if  the standard of education provided at the school is still relevant in this present day?

The key areas that was agreed to urgently need refocusing are under listed

  • Overall Effectiveness
  • Data and Achievement
  • Quality of Teaching and Learning
  • Behaviour and Safety
  • Quality of Leadership and Management
  • SMSC Development
  • Partnerships
  • Young Peoples’ Participation
  • Transition, Transfer & Progression
  • School Culture