History of MBHS - History - Academic Perfomance

Academic Performance

What is impressive about the school was that despite this serious handicap, it made significant progress both in population and academic -excellence. As we have already noted, by 1896 the number of students had risen to 70 and the staff to 8. By 1910 the number on the roll had risen to 150 and the need for more- classroom accommodation was beginning to be felt. Consequently in 1912 additions were made to the front of the school hall, thereby making available several new classrooms. And in 1916 a spacious hall measuring 78 ft. by 42 ft. was constructed near the Broad Street entrance. That hall still remains today though with some modifications.

As regards academic performance, the school's reputation was very high. In 1891the Principal, Rev. W.B. Euba, introduced the College of Preceptors Examinations and at the end of that year 14 candidates were successful.

By, 1894 no less than 47 certificates had been awarded to the pupils of the school, the highest number of any school on the West Coast. 3

  1. Acting Secretary, S.P. to Chief Secretary, June 1, 1923, CSO 26.
  2. Jubilee Souvenir, 1878-1928, p. 21

The high standard maintained by the school can also be substantiated by reports of Inspectors of Education. In 1889, for example, the Inspectors complained of the undesirable state of the classrooms (a regular complaint) but stated as regards to performance that the general standard subjects were fairly dealt with.

In 1891 the report noted that hall and classrooms were satisfactory and admirably suited for school purposes and that there were sufficient number of desks. It went on to note that the standard of organisation and discipline was good and that in terms of performance considerable improvement was observed.

In 1893 the report emphasised that there was substantial progress made. It noted that much sounder work was done but that there was still room for improvement and that school buildings and classrooms were satisfactory while organization and discipline were good and that the school had improved considerably.

In 1899 Governor MacGregor, M.D., K.C.M.G., C.B visited the school, examined the Senior Classes in several subjects and was impressed by the standard achieved. And in 1900 the Inspector of Education noted that the school had not for sometime past had such good teaching staff as at present. He concluded: "I am glad to report the improvement in school mechanism and method of instruction".

There were, of course, years in which the reports were unfavourable but these were few and *far between. On the whole, and in relation to other schools in the country, the performance was very satisfactory.

Right from its early days the school attempted not only to produce thoroughly competent scholars but youths with well-rounded education. Thus as early as 1886 there existed a Debating Society and a Field Club. The Field Club's activities included going around the countryside on Wednesdays and Saturdays identifying flowers, birds and animals, one main aim being to secure the correct correlation of English and Yoruba names for these objects. In 1891 a School Magazine - Grapnel was started. It was issued twice a month. It was handwritten and entirely run by the boys. Because of its irksome method of production it did not survive long. Five years later another magazine -The High Schoolian - made its appearance. This one did not survive for more than two years owing to reasons that were obscure. Nevertheless, efforts continued to be made over the years in establishing a school magazine and various ones with different titles have appeared at different times. In May 1916 the Rev. L.C. Mead began a branch of the Scout Movement in the school.

It was the second branch in Lagos and survives till today. At one stage, it was the only school with the largest number of King's Scout and the first school to win the Scouting competition. Numerous other societies-Red Cross, Dramatic Society, Musical Society-abound till today.